There are many ways to travel. Among all the ways of travelling, some people might enjoy riding bicycle the most. May be some people prefer taking a train
to any other means of transportaition. However, to me, walking is my best way of travel. I love walking and prefer this way of travelling compared to others. I
have a very simple reason for this. It is bacause I can haver a better look on my surroundings when I walk. If I take other transportation, I often miss a lot of
things. The scenery just slips away when I ride on a bicycle, a train, a bus, a car or any other kinds of the transportation. However, if I walk, I can enjoy my
surroundings fully. For example, if I can get a chance to walk on a road of countryside, I might experience these sorts of things: smells of fresh grass and
trees, scants of flowers, warm yellow sun light, weak breeze, tweets of some birds, fluffy touch of the earth and so on. These would be he things that I would never meet if I choose to take others ways of travelling. Yes,I might suffer from blisters and stiff back, but I would not regret choosing walking as my way of
travel because it presents me more delightments!
Hello My name is Nayeon Kwon. I can clearly see what your topic is and the sentences weren't that long which makes the wrting easier to read. The last part is also very cute:) However, some sentences seem little awakard. About the first sentence, I think it could have been better if you just wrote "No matter what people say, I think walking is the best way yo travel among all".