What Takes To Be a Leader
A persident I would vote for is someone with magnanimity and responsibilty. Leader is someone who represents and embrace the whole group and a president should also be somesone who can embrace other's voices instead of falling into dictatorship. In the past, people thought power and authority was given from God and never questioned what kind of a person should be a leader. As a result, many of the kings abused their power. However, as time went by, people realized that in the democratic society, president should make a choice based on the citizens' thoughts and try his best not to harm anyone's benefit. However, as there are always two sides of the same coin, mediation is not an easy job. That's why president's role is so important. For example, President Bush carried forward the War Against Terror despite people's opposition. He pushed ahead the plan ignoring their worries. As a result, thousands of soliders and civilians died out without no outcome. Likewise, listening to people's opinions and embracing them is essential as a respectable leader. Moreover, a president should have responsiblity no matter what he does avoiding lame duck syndrome. For instance, as Korea persisit the single-term system for the presidency, at the end of the term, people say that many of them tend to fall in lame duck syndrome. Like this, I believe as a president, having magnanimity which embrace all people's opinions and responsibilty which avoids indolence is essential. Thus, a president I would vote for is someone who is accepting and responsible.
Hi! Your writing greatly shows what aspects the leader or president should carry. I think you described the changes of what kind of leader was needed at that moment very logically. I especially liked the line 'Like this, I believe as a president, having magnanimity which embrace all people's opinions and responsibility which avoids indolence is essential'. It simply tells your main point. However, I think your writing has lack of examples. It would be better if you added some more specific descriptions to each example. Also there are some spelling and grammar mistakes. Overall, from your writing, I could know your thoughts of a great leader. Great Job!
ReplyDeleteWhat Takes To Be a Leader
ReplyDeleteA president I would vote for is someone with magnanimity and responsibilty. Leader is someone who repreasents and embraces the whole group and a president should also be somesone who can embrace other's voices instead of falling into dictatorship. In the past, people thought power and authority was given from God and never questioned what kind of a person should be a leader. As a result, many of the kings abused their power. However, as time went by, people realized that in the democratic society, president should make a choice based on the citizens' thoughts and try his best not to harm anyone's benefit. However, as there are always two sides of the same coin, mediation is not an easy job. That's why president's role is so important. For example, President Bush carried forward the War Against Terror despite people's opposition. He pushed ahead the plan ignoring their worries. As a result, thousands of soliders and civilians died out without no outcome. Likewise, listening to people's opinions and embracing them is essential as a respectable leader. Moreover, a president should have responsiblity no matter what he does avoiding lame duck syndrome. For instance, as Korea persisit the single-term system for the presidency, at the end of the term, people say that many of the presidents tend to fall in lame duck syndrome. Like this, I believe as a president, having magnanimity which embrace all people's opinions and responsibilty that avoids indolence is essential. Thus, a president I would vote for is someone who is accepting and responsible.