Saturday, June 9, 2012

김한별 Han Byol Kim/Narrative Paragraph/Mon 11a.m.

 Every person goes on a trip at least once in his or her lifetime. I went to several trips as well. Among those trips the most memorable trip that was valuable was a trip that I went when I was fifteen years old. I went to the Middle East. It was quite an extraordinary place for a fifteen-year-old girl. When I first went there I was surprised by everything I saw, heard and ate. Specifically I went to Israel and Palestine region. In there I saw a scenery, building, streets, weather and people that were very distinct from the country I have lived for my whole life. The Middle East had a dry and hot temperature. The sun was very bright so in order to protect my skin I used a lot of sun cream. The buildings were also very different from Korea's. For example, the buildings in Palestine were not very tall and had many churches. Appearance of people was also distinct too. I have only seen Asians so it was quite an incredible experience. Also in there I heard many different languages. I heard English, Arabic and Hebrew. It was a first time that I actually heard foreign languages apart from English. At first I was very puzzled because I could not understand a single word. However, as time passed by I got used to it. It was a unique experience in my life because I was exposed to many languages. In addition, I tasted so many delicious foods in there. I cannot exactly recall the names of the food but what I liked the most was a fried chicken. You may think this is not a very distinct food. However, the fried chicken I ate there was a whole new world of a fried chicken. Ever since I came back to Korea, I never tasted such chicken. I remember all the moments I spent in the Middle East. It is a special memory from my childhood that I cannot for the rest of my life.

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