Thursday, May 10, 2012

Jean Park/ A process to select a special gift/ Mon34

<Steps to Choose A Gift for Your 'Special Person'>

Jean Park

     Whenever people face the time to select a gift for someone else, majority of people have difficulties to choose a present. I am also one of the people, always having troubles what kind of gifts I should prepare for that person. Thus, in this writing, I'm going to suggest a few simple tips to easily pick a present. First of all, think about the purpose of giving a gifts for that special person. It might his or her's birthday, anniversaries, graduation, your gifts would be depends on the meaning of giving a present. Next, pay close attention to what that person likes or needs these days. For example, following week is my mother's birthday, so I tried to catch items that's both necessary and would please my mother. As a result, I thought, a jewelry such as necklace or ring is the perfect gift for her and already made an order. If you made a decision what to buy or prepare for the 'special person', then search the stores that sells the exact products that you decided. I usually surf on Internet to find out what brand is famous for certain product that I'm looking for. Finding information on off-line like asking your friends is also a good idea to know where's the appropriate place. The last step is to buy or make the present. What I mean by making the present is, you don't always have to purchase a product, presents like cross-stitch or hand knitted sweater could also be a very meaningful gift. In addition, make sure to write a card or letter sincerely to congratulate the celebration. If you follow these four simple and easy steps, you won't have any more difficulties when choosing a gift!


  1. Hello! I really like your writing because it contains very useful tips for choosing a special gift. I also always have a hard time choosing the appropriate one, so this piece of writing gives me an idea on picking the right present. You have very clear four supporting sentences, or tips, that helps reader to follow your writing easily. Also, the concluding sentence also restates the topic sentence very well. If you fix some minor grammartical errors, your writing will be fantastic!

  2. Hi~ I'm Namhye Kim. It was a good and useful writing to read.
    While reading your writing, I sympathize with your process of choosing a special gift. Each steps are realistic and useful. Also, each processes are in right order, and specific enough to understand what you mean.Most of all I like your first sentence, because this make reader to be interested to your writing. But I think conclusion is a little bit short, so it will be better if you can add more.

  3. Second Draft

    Whenever people selects a gift for someone else, majority of them have difficulties to choose a present. I am also one of the people, always having troubles what kind of gifts I should prepare for that person. Thus, in this writing, I'm going to suggest a few simple tips to easily pick a present. First of all, think about the purpose of giving a gift for that special person. It might be his or her's birthday, anniversaries, graduation, your gifts would depend on the meaning of giving a present. Next, pay close attention to what that person likes or needs these days. For example, following week is my mother's birthday, so I tried to catch items that's both necessary and would please her. As a result, I thought, a jewelry such as necklace or ring is the perfect gift for her and already made an order. If you made a decision what to buy or prepare for the 'special person', then search the stores that sells the exact product that you decided to buy. I usually surf on the Internet to find out what brand is famous for certain product that I'm looking for. Finding information on off-line like asking your friends is also a good idea to know where's the appropriate place. The last step is to buy or make the present. What I mean by making the present is, you don't always have to purchase a product, presents like cross-stitch or hand knitted sweater could also be a very meaningful gift. In addition, make sure to write a card or letter sincerely to congratulate the celebration. If you follow these four simple and easy steps, you won't have any more difficulties when choosing a gift. Also, don't forget that the best gift is heartfelt congratulation!
