Monday, May 14, 2012

Joan Yoon/Teachers/Mon 3.4

My first crush, math teacher


For this teacher's day, one teacher popped up in my mind. He influenced me a lot in my adolescence. I met him when I was in grade 3 of middle school in a private institute to prepare for a foreign language high school.

He was our homeroom teacher for 6 months and his subject was math. I was really poor on math and what's worse, I hated math even thinking of giving it up.

However, he encouraged me to have interests in math and he tutored me every single time he had break times.

In teacher's office, I sat next to him and studied math at least 2 hours a day. While studying, we played jokes and had delicious snacks having fun. All of a sudden, his charming low-tone voice, tall and bulky body and gentleness looked so attractive. Being in crush, I put all of my efforts in math and soon got 99 points in mid-term exam.

Not only for studying, he also motivated me a lot by cheering with good old sayings. One thing I remember the most is "You are the star of your own life." My teenage days were under low self-esteem and lacking confidence. He always encouraged me that I'm attractive enough. Since then, I gained self-efficacy and became confident. Even I'm not able to contact him now, I think him as my best teacher and my first love.



  1. Your writing is so interesting!! What I like about it is that examples and quotation are well described. Also there are details to give more information about your teacher. However, there are some grammatical mistakes such as "Even" in the last sentence. It should be "even though." Try to make sentences more clear. Overall, good job^.^

  2. Hi! Your writing clearly expresses about the math teacher that you had a crush! After reading your writing, I was envious about you because I didn't have such teacher who personally supported me. It was also interesting that all of sudden you thought him attractive. It gives an intrestingness to the writing. As person above me said, some grammartical errors bother me. For example, instead of "I was really poor on math and what's worse, I hated math even thinking of giving it up", it should be "I hated math so that I even thought of giving it up".
